I Admired Anioma Dressing and God Crowned me With Good Anioma Husband, Jacinta Umunna Writes on Daughter’s Birthday
– Emeka Esogbue
A lady simply identified as Jacinta Chinasa Umunna, writing on Enuani/Anioma People’s Forum, a Facebook group of the Anioma people has recounted her love and admiration for the Akwa-Ocha traditional attire of the Anioma people.
Jacinta Umunna wrote on her daughter’s birthday. Although her daughter’s name was undisclosed, she admitted her admiration for the people’s traditional attire despite being a non-indigene.
“I am from Imo state but growing up, I have always admired Anioma dressing. I just liked their Akwa-Ocha and beads.”
“It’s really not in our own culture to dress that way but I just knew that one day I will go, buy the cloth and beads and dress myself up, little did I know what God had in stock for me!”
Obviously, the dream of Jacinta Umunna in Anioma culture came through when luck smiled on her with a husband from Anioma.
“Long story short. I married an Onicha-Ugbo man..one of the best!”
“I not only had the opportunity to wear my Akwa Ocha but my daughter too.”
“Today is her birthday!”
Jacinta called on Anioma indigenes the world over to join her in celebrating her Anioma daughter from Onicha-Ugbo.
“Do umunnenm dum kene chukwu na omekelim,” she said joyfully in Enuani’s local dialect.
There were also beautiful reactions, appreciating her Anioma marriage, one of which was from Okafor Eshi Eunice, who wrote, “our wife, you waka well and God knows from the beginning you will marry from Onicha Eze, Jesus own town that is Onicha Ugbo, and I pray for you, you will not regret marrying from Onicha Ugbo, your marriage is blessed in Jesus name.”